Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Beach with Friends

We spent the weekend at the beach when Toby and Lincoln were visiting.
The boys braved the yucky seaweed that rolled in.

When I was growing up, two boys from Ireland spent their summers two houses down from us. Clark and Ross are older than I am so I'm pretty sure I was the little pest lingering about while they played with Ted and Holly. Clark and his family came to visit in July and we loved seeing them.
Ethan, the oldest, was a huge fan of Lucy. I want him to live her and be my babysitter!

He held her outside and protected her from the raucous kids (see below).

Anna, the middle child.

Archie, the youngest, chasing Elliott and Ned.

They did laps . . .

and laps.

Clark doing some policing.

And laps.

Lucy's beach nap the next day.

I enjoyed some forced relaxation while Lucy napped on me. Look at her cheeks!

Louise and baby Will came up to see us. Lucy enjoyed the influx of toys.

Handsome guy.

Little Will and giant Lucy.

Matching Christmas jammies in July! They wore the same ones on the Polar Express.

Coco, Poppy, Dorothy (Clark's US mom), Leigh (Clark's awesome wife)
Ned, Elliott, Ethan, Archie, Anna.
We so enjoyed their visit. Elliott keeps asking if we can go down the beach to play with Archie or go to Archie's house. I've explained that Archie lives in Belfast but I think the distance is lost on him. Until next year, our Irish friends!

Dutch sleeps in my parents' room in Canada. And, apparently he sleeps with his head under the bed.

Toby and Lincoln squeezed in a beach walk on a windy morning.

Elliott tries to throw the ball for Dutch. It's really cute to watch.

Messy Lucy.

Everyone loves Lilly.

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