Monday, September 22, 2014

Erie County Fair - Visit 1

News flash: We LOVE the Erie County Fair. I took the kids on the first Friday after it opened and we met Rachel and Elisa there. It was a blast. Lots of pictures.

We started with the tractors.

Check out this post to see Elliott and Poppy with the same steam tractor last year.



Lucy was very patient while Elliott ran around the tractor area.

Up on the train.

Elisa arrived and we visited the animal barns. I love this picture!

The wagon proved to be the perfect vehicle for these two.

Petting some pigs.

Hi piggy!

Rachel and Elisa.

That would be my look of surprise when the cow moved.

Lucy got to ride in the wagon with the big kids.

The big kids wanted to hold Lucy. She loved it!

Sibling love.

Look how happy Lucy is!

Much needed snacks.

We visited some big dairy cows.

Hi, cow!

Two friends on a little tractor.

We had so much fun with you, Elisa. Let's do it again next year!!

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