Sunday, September 14, 2014

End of July at Home

We had fun times close to home to wrap up July. 
Bike riding turned to fire truck play. Safety first!

Lucy got comfortable in the grass.

Our family.

We braved a very raining day and took a trip to Wegmans. Elliott was such a good big brother and held the umbrella over Lucy.

Some of our favorite dinner guests, Tim and Laura Magee. They read LOTS of stories to Elliott.

What is better than an impromptu James Taylor concert with a great friend?! Thanks, Rachel!

Mama's big boots.

Our gravel driveway is not conducive to learning to ride the skoot. We went over to Emery Park to practice a few times. Elliott's feet just touch the ground.

Skoot movie.

Lucy loves sitting in Elliott's chair, with or without him.

She also love the Cozy Coupe. It's quite entertaining to watch her get in and out . . . and in and out . . . and in and out.

A movie of her in action. She's trying to honk the horn at the end.

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