Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Colorado Visit and Lucy 10 Months

I went out to Denver in July to work at the big sidewalk sale for the lingerie store I used to work for. SOL needed an extra bra fitter and I jumped right back in.

Toby and I flew out of Buffalo at the same time so Poppy took us to the airport together. He held the precious cargo while we gathered our belongings.

Here I am on the red carpet at SOL's sidewalk sale.

Lucy was so lucky to spend the whole week playing with Grandma. Thank you, Sue, for watching Lucy! (Parenting note: I gave her this SOL bag to play with, not Grandma.)

Eating rocks on Grandma's patio.

10 months old on July 17th!!

SOL Girl Maggie talking to her little SOL Girl, Gael.

Talking on her phone. How cute is she?!

Lucy likes this little perch in Grandma's bathroom. She "helped" me get ready in the mornings.

Getting some love from SOL Girl Sarah.

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