Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Saturday Morning in EA

Last Saturday, Jesse took the boys for a walk while I did boot camp. We then met up with Tim and Laura at Elm Street Bakery, our favorite spot in town.

Dutch got tired about 15 minutes into their walk and rode in the bottom of the stroller for the rest of the time. How cute is that!

When I met up with them, I was nervous for a second that Dutch was missing . . . until he crawled out of the bottom to see me.

After some play time at our outdoor table, Dutch got to rest in Elliott's stroller. He sat in peace - until Elliott noticed.

"If I can just sit up here next to (aka on) you, Dutch."

Puppy kisses.

A happy moment.

Finally, Dutch found a comfortable spot and was able to rest.

Headed to the car, Elliott holding my purse, and digging out my wallet. Trouble.
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