Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Maine - Part 2

More pictures from our first full day in Maine. After Elliott's nap, we went down to the beach at Taz and Sue's house. Coco and Elliott almost there.

Little boy on the rocks.

He liked to pick up (and throw) the rocks.

Once again, looking for boats on the water with Poppy.

Taz and Sue's beautiful house.

Everyone took turns reading Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go to Elliott. Poppy probably did more than his fair share of "Go Go Trucks," as Ned called it.

Coco and Poppy (and Taz and Sue) were extra helpful with Elliott since my big belly gets in the way, and is rather uncomfortable) when I have to wrangle him. Here is Coco putting Elliott to bed. You can see his bunny under his right hand. Bunny goes to bed with him every night.

On Tuesday, we went to the local quilters' fair around noon. Elliott was all tuckered out from waking up early and fell sound asleep in the car and then the stroller.

We had delicious lobsters for dinner that night. Elliott checked them out when they were still kicking.

Sue taking a turn at reading Go Go Trucks to Elliott.

Still much more to come . . . 
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