Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tractor Adventures

On the Saturday before Elliott's birthday, he and Jesse went on two tractor adventures. We talked up this "adventure" with Daddy and Elliott now asks to go on adventures all the time. This particular adventure was actually two tractor shows. The morning consisted of an antique tractor show and plowing competition in Ridgeway, Ontario and the evening was a tractor pull in Marilla, NY. I was not there but will do my best to caption the photos.

Playing with a frisbee at the plowing competition.

The competitors are judged on their ability to plow straight and uniformly deep furrows. 

Playing in a wagon.

Look, Daddy! Over there! ("Look!" is one of Elliott's new phrases but it comes out as "wook." It's very cute.)

Someone else was taking pictures there and emailed a few to Jesse. My boys.

Hard at work.

But full of smiles.

After coming home for a nap and snack, the boys went off to the Marilla tractor pull. We tried to go earlier this summer but it was rained out. This was the rescheduled event. Elliott was a great spectator and wore his hearing protection that he got from Grandpa Brad.

Big tractor!

In case you (like me) are unfamiliar with tractor pulls, this is what it is all about:

Elliott was enthralled with the action.

The next morning, we met my parents out for breakfast. Elliott and Poppy are deep in conversation about the menu at Charlie's Diner.

And now deep in discussion over the Thomas 1, 2, 3 book.
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