Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pre-Christmas Misc

Jesse was scheduled to arrive home on Christmas Eve but made it back on the 19th (really 4 am on the 20th). We were so excited to have him back! He jumped right back in to Daddy role on Saturday morning while I ran a 5k. Lucy didn't seem to mind her hat at that moment.

We went to Elm Street Bakery after the race. We couldn't all fit at one table so Elliott and Poppy had a private table for two.

That night was the Carolcade in East Aurora. Small town living at its best. This was the 42nd annual gathering of people singing carols on Main Street in EA. They estimated over 3,000 people in attendance this year! We had out best encounter with Santa yet, facilitated by a candy cane.

Lucy spent the night in the backpack, watching the action.

Another day . . . 

Another "hat" for Lucy.

We were super proud when Elliott wrote his name on the chalkboard. We didn't know he could write until he wrote letters in the condensation on the Polar Express window. The next day at home, he wrote it on the chalkboard. Go, Elliott!!

Starting young in her appreciation of fine glassware.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Polar Express - 2014 Edition

We went on the Arcade & Attica Railroad Polar Express on the Sunday before Christmas. We had so much fun last year that we did it with a group again. This promises to be an annual event!

Boarding the train.

Colton on the train.

Lucy and her ticket, ready to go!


Elliott, hold your sister for a picture. Sure, like that is going to happen.

Waving to pedestrians and cars as we pulled out of the station.

Elliott, the elf, was pumped!

We were all so excited to have Jesse home a few days earlier than we expected!!

Lucy watching the world go by.

We arrived at the North Pole and got all bundled up. Elliott was understandably excited to watch the engine move from one end of the train to the other.


Lucy gets quite loud when she doesn't get her way.

Winter girl.

We had hot dogs and hot cocoa at the North Pole.

Playing with the Strzelecs.

Elisa and Rachel on the way to see Santa. 

Silva Family.

Elisa was a bit nervous about seeing Santa.

Lucy checking out Santa's workshop.

I'm a sucker for crying baby Santa pictures.

Elisa waving goodbye to Santa.

Boarding the train to head back.

We went with a great group of families.
The Smiths (plus a few extra kids in this shot).

The Vesneskes (missing a kid in this picture).

The Silvas.

The Strzelecs (hooray for coming last minute when Ned got sick and the Ortmans had to miss out).

The Samsons.

Happy Lucy . . . 

Until Santa came on the train . . .

Sad/scared Lu.

These two hilarious men provided musical entertainment throughout the train.

We are already excited for next year!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Christmas is so much more fun and magical with little ones. As Director of Food and Fun, I threw myself into Christmas fun this month. Here is a sprinkling of what we have been up to in December (Christmas and non-Christmas).

Meet George, our elf. He made his debut on December 1 and moved around every (okay, most) days.

My DIY advent calendar. There was one bag for each day in December with a treat or activity inside.

Story by Poppy:
This morning I got an email invoice from Bart, our plumber in Canada. I wrote a check and needed to get the envelope out to the mailbox before the Postal Service truck arrived (always late afternoon on Mondays). I recruited Elliott to accompany me on the mission to deliver a dispatch containing secret orders from the general. We had to take the dispatch to the secret pickup place at the end of the driveway. Decked out in his winter coat and leather hiking boots, I added a dispatch courier bag (sometimes called a "murse") and a warm, fur lined helmet. The chunk of icy snow in his right hand is a "knife" he found along the way.
I took his hand to begin the return walk to "HQ" (a/k/a Coco's party house) where Mama was loading the car to relocate herself, two children, and one dog back to Center Street. After walking about 50 feet, Elliott announced that he was tired and held his arms up towards me. I carried my little soldier back to the house. That driveway gets longer on the walk back home, especially when carrying a robust little boy. I love him.

Lu and I stopped at MuseJar one day to see Vanessa.

Lucy was ready to take off with two art kits.

She decided to sit in the grocery basket, rather than carry it around. 

Or wear it on her head. There could be a whole series entitled "things Lucy puts on her head."


Big smiles from our big reader.

We had friends over to decorate gingerbread houses one day. I thought Elliott would lose interest and/or get frustrated but he loved it!

Future pastry chef?

More things on Lucy's head. This time it was a Halloween bucket.

Enjoying Mama's green smoothie.

Snuggles with Uncle Tocker.

Houston, the Christmas tree has landed.

This is what happened when you put a super tight hat on Elliott's wet hair. He looks like a member of a 90's boy band!

One of our advent calendar activities was making our own snow globes out of Mason jars. Step one was a success. 

Step two. They were looked great when we first added water and but terrible once the dye started bleeding out of the trees.

Wearing Poppy's glasses.

There is a magical system for lighting the Christmas tree at Coco and Poppy's house. The kids had so much fun with this.

That's my girl! [I have a thing for ketchup for those who didn't know.]

We celebrated Elisa's birthday with a small gathering at her house. Hollyn and Lucy at dinner together. They are getting so grown up!

Elisa, the birthday girl.

George took to the booze by mid-December.

Have you seen how the cool kids are styling their hair these days?
Step 1. Pour water on floor.
Step 2. Wipe it up with your hand.
Step 3. Rub aforementioned hand through hair until desired style is achieved.