Monday, December 15, 2014

October Wrap Up

I couldn't resist buying all the school pictures.

Such a big girl!

Look at those hands and that grin!

We went to Blackman Farms for round 2 of apple picking with Colleen, Declan, and Lilly. It was a rainy day but we still had fun!
Declan as king of the mountain.

Lilly snacking on the pickings.

Lucy's biggest smile.

The girls eating lunch.

Rachel and Elisa came over for a visit one day. Elisa and Elliott read books and played while Lucy napped. Rachel and I actually got to talk! It was magical.

Lucy's first attempt at using flatware at Colton's birthday party. She is trying to pick up a carrot with a plastic spoon. Her use of utensils is impressive!

Rocking out on Colton's guitar.

Pinata action. I think Elliott was behind me because I did not prepare him for the collapse of stuff and ensuing rush of kids.

Lucy was pretty happy with the pencils from the pinata.

It's so easy to get a cute picture with both kids.

In late October, I ran my first 10k race. I started running this summer and this distance was a huge accomplishment. Devon was the perfect running partner.

It was a Halloween run and Devon rocked it as a zombie bride.

Trying on the dinosaur Halloween costume. ROAR!

Resourceful little Lucy pushed her chair over and climbed on it in an attempt to reach the light switch.

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