Tuesday, December 16, 2014

End of October - Really

This really is the end of October.

A warm day at the farmers' market with Uncle Rob Tocker. We love having him back in town!!

The wonders of fall. Caption credit: Poppy.

Poppy spotted the East Aurora Fire Department open house and took the boys. Think they had fun??

Fall hike in Ellicottville.

Holly, Tim, and Ned.

We had a few really warm days at the end of the month. Lucy loved playing in the leaves!

And swinging.

And playing with the tupperware.

Elliott started swimming lessons this fall. This is a big milestone because he is now in the pool without me. A chat with his teacher.

Practicing their scoops. 

Elliott and Declan, swimming buds.

No nap + swimming = falling asleep in the car at 7 pm.

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