Thursday, January 16, 2014

40 years

40 years of marriage.
3 children.
4 grandchildren.
5 dogs, 4 horses, 1 lamb, 1 skunk, 1 gerbil, countless fish.
We gathered together in late December to celebrate the momentous occasion of my parents' 40th wedding anniversary. As I said, "40 years! That's longer than I've been alive!" "By design!" was my father's response. Those at the party who had been at the wedding 40 years ago remarked that the cathedral where they were married no longer stands but their marriage remains strong. Happy anniversary to my wonderful parents, Coco and Poppy!

The crowd during Holly's toast. Ted and I were happy to stand by her side and let her eloquent words capture our collective sentiment.

More family and friends.

Holly and Mike share the same anniversary as my parents. This was their seventh anniversary.

Goofy Ted.

I love the love between Hol and Dad here.

Dad warming up for his smiles.

The nuclear family.

Happy Anniversary, parents! We love you!
(kiddos stayed home with a sitter for this party)

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