Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Making the Most of Winter - Sledding, Skiing, Cozy Sweaters

We are in the depths of winter here. Warm days are 35 degrees. Cold days are -5 degrees. Fortunately those cold days are few and far between. Elliott loves the snow ("It's no-ing out!") and Lucy is oblivious and cozy. Here are some pictures from early January.

Playing with his new Thomas chopsticks, a Christmas gift from Levi, Tucker, and Lincoln.

Piggy boody!

Hanging out with my girl. Lucy is wearing a sweater that was handknit by Coco.

Sleeping baby - in another Coco sweater.

This was our usual dinner scene while Jesse was away. Lucy sat in her bumbo in Jesse's spot.

We had some great cross country skiing weather in early January. My parents watched the kids a few times so I could get out with Dutch. This was in the Erie County Forest.

Lucy's cute outfit was a gift to Penny from her Grandma Peg.

The day after our trip to the Erie County Forest, Holly and I joined Tim and Laura to ski at Emery Park. The conditions were not ideal and Holly took a tumble at one point. She wasn't the only one to fall that day but she was the only one caught on film. Being the good sister that I am, I took pictures of her when she was down.

But she got right back up!

Tim and Dutch watched from above.

Post-ski with Tim.

Penny was all smiles when we got back to the house.

We returned to find Elliott and Ned out sledding with Poppy and Mike. Elliott wasn't sure at first. 
(There are some special effects in these pictures. I'm not sure if they will show up in the email version of this post so you might have to visit the actual blog online.)

And he's off!

Elliott was ALL smiles!

Sherpa Mike pulled Elliott back up to the top.

Ned had a blast.

Ned's trip.

Another Elliott sled - off to the right.

I cannot get over how big Ned looks in these pictures.

Seriously, who is this kid?

He loved it.

Dutch and Humphrey had fun in the snow, too.

Elliott was excited to shovel. Poppy tried to teach him to ride down the hill on the shovel but Elliott didn't quite get the concept.

Head to toe in LL Bean. I'm thinking of sending this to them.

Now with special snow effects!
Side note: I honestly have no idea how to apply these effects. Google decides which pictures get special effects. There is probably a way to figure it out but I couldn't (didn't care to) figure it out.

Without prompting, the boys starting rolling down the hill.

Rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling.

Lucy stayed snuggly warm inside.

Pretty girl in her pretty party dress, all the way from England thanks to Tuppy and Hugh!

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