Saturday, January 4, 2014

Pre-Christmas Randoms

A collection of random shots in the week leading up to Christmas.

Decorating our tree. Though we have cut our own in years past, we opted to buy a cut tree this year since we made the purchase in 10 degree weather and driving snow.

Elliott loves these jingle bell napkin rings. He insisted on wearing all six and would then jump up and down to make the bells ring.

He would stand next to the tree for me but wouldn't give up a smile.

Trying on Lucy's hat.

Look, Mama! I put on my hat all by myself! He was quite proud of himself and we were proud, too.

Lucy snuggling with Dutch (the black blob to her right - if you look closely, you can see his eye).

Poppy and I staged a Lucy photoshoot on this beautiful mink blanket at my parents' house. She enjoys the finer things already.


I got her dressed again and she was talking up a storm. We had a conversation when I sang Little Drummer Boy and she cooed back.

Elliott got quite sick the weekend before Christmas. When we called our pediatrician that Friday night because he had labored breathing, they sent us to the hospital since they were close. It turns out Elliott had RSV (a respiratory virus). Over two weeks later, his cough is still lingering but he is much better. When he was so sick, he got to watch TV, not in our normal routine. Here he is, lounging on Dutch, while watching Thomas.

It seems Lucy has completely outgrown 0-3 month clothing! The poor girl was wearing capri pants and had her belly showing - in December.

Uncle Cale and Aunt Kendra came to visit for Christmas. We loved having them here!! More pictures of them to come but here are a few of Cale with the kids at a Christmas party we went to during their visit.

Elliott laughing with delight.
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