Sunday, January 19, 2014

2013 - A Year in Review

I started on this post about a week ago. Not surprisingly, it has taken many days to sum up the wondrous events of 2013. And the 6,478 pictures I took in 2013. Seriously, 6,478 pictures.

This was a wonderful year for our family. Most importantly, we went from a family of three to a family of five (yes, we include Dutch in the count). Elliott started the year as a wobbly 16-month-old with a limited vocabulary and ended the year as a "big boy" with skills that impress us everyday. Lucy started the year as a flicker of hope (she was there but we did not know it yet) and ended the year as a smiley, happy three-month-old. Here is a month-by-month review of 2013 in the Doren household.

We all slept in one room as the upstairs renovations continued. 
Elliott started carrying around our shoes and Daddy's big boots.
Pots and pans provided great entertainment.
We learned of my pregnancy with the bundle of love we now know as Lucy.

We embraced Western New York winter by sledding with Ned.
Developing a love for trains at the model train show.
Elliott started showing his excitement for reading.
Jenny White came to visit.

Elliott sat on the potty for the first time (and did not do it again for many months).
Poppy introduced Elliott to the snow shovel.
We played outside in the snow . . . and in puddles when we had a thaw.
Warm days provided for more fun time outside.
Elliott discovers candy on Easter.

Elliott shared his news of becoming a big brother.
Elliott and Ned enjoyed tractor rides and wheelbarrow ride.
The highlight of April was a multi-week trip to Colorado to visit all of our family there.

We celebrated my 31st birthday.
We spent a Day Out with Thomas.
Elliott got a big boy haircut.
Warm weather finally came for good.
First weekend of the year at the beach!

We enjoyed summer events and swim lessons in our wonderful town.
Camping with friends promises to become an annual event.
Dutch joined our family!
More weekends at the beach.
Bathtime with friends.

July brought many, many days at the beach.
Elliott visited Connor at his fire station.
Elliott learned to love going out for sushi.
More bathtime with friends.
Chocolate chip cookies in a heatwave are messy.

Trips to the Erie County Fair, the Gehl farm, and Maine!
Fun at the beach.
Fun days in East Aurora.
Playtime with friends.
Four family dinner and story time with Aunt Hol.
Elliott's last night in his crib. Our big boy moved to his big boy bed after our trip to Maine.

A month of celebration.
Labor Day marked our last weekend of the summer at the beach.
Elliott and Jesse had a day of tractor fun.
We celebrated Elliott's birthday at a party and then at home on his actual birthday.
We welcomed Lucy into our family on September 17th.
Elliott became a big brother.

Grandma Sue came to visit.
We took two trips to Pumpkinville.
Grandpa Nick came to visit.
Elliott participated in his first cyclocross race.
Sibling love developed.
Elliott rode Ginger, and still talks about it daily.
Lucy, Hollyn, and Emma finally get together.
Halloween as Thomas the Train.

Elliott rode in his second cyclocross race.
Lucy started smiling - and hasn't stopped!
Four family dinner fun.
The season of trips to the pediatrician started with a thumb issue.
We were thankful for so much this year.
Chocolate chip cookies are messy in snowy weather, too!

Meeting Santa was a bit traumatic. Twice.
We took a wonderful trip to NYC.
Elliott learned that chickens come from eggs, and eggs come from chicken.
Lucy kept on smiling and found herself in the mirror, and on a mink.
The Polar Express took us to the North Pole.
Lucy played with her girlfriends.
Cale and Kendra came to visit for Christmas.
Christmas magic came and the kids loved it.
I learned how rewarding, and exhausting, bringing Christmas magic can be.
We celebrated 38 years of Jesse and 40 years of Poppy and Coco.

Thank you to all of you for staying with us for 2013. Here's to a wonderful 2014!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. It is amazing the change that can happen in just one year, Elliott grows up across these pictures. I appreciate how much work it was to pull this together -- the mosaics are perfect, I'm feeling inspired!
