Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bowling for Jesse's Birthday

Jesse's birthday is on December 27th. We celebrated by going bowling on the 26th while Cale and Kendra were still in town.

Pre-bowling snack.

The inaugural use of my pastry bag. They may look like poop but they tasted great!

Lucy enjoying time with her Uncle Cale.

This little dude was all ready to go bowling. The hat was mine when I was little.

Getting a bowling lesson from Daddy.

Like father, like son.

Watching for the strike.

The ball went so slowly sometimes that Elliott would walk away and forget he had bowled.

Coco getting some Lucy love and chatting with the birthday boy.

Sweet Penny.

We loved having Claire and Penelope with us for a few days!

There are so many words I could put to this . . . 

Elliott watching his ball travel down the lane.

Ned in action.

Striking a pose in his new Campus Wheelworks kit.

Elliott's glory dance after a successful bowl.

We LOVED having Cale and Kendra come visit. We hope you will come back again and that we didn't scare you off with germs!

Lucy is clearly very excited about bowling. She does love her Uncle T.

Baby swap. We love our nieces. Clearly they both love something off to the right.
In this picture, each girl is wearing a shirt that was a Christmas gift from their aunt!

Mmmmmm. Mama, can I eat that pizza?
No. No, you may not.

I'm not really sure how this started but we ended up in a sibling pile-on/tickle fest.

Ned joined in the fun. Elliott and Penny looked on with puzzled amusement.

Penny sizing up the balls with supervision from Laura. Shout out to Tim and Laura for being the only non-family guests (a party the day after Christmas is hard)!!

Oh, I think I'll take this purple one.

Curve to the left!!

We concluded that bowling is great fun and that we should go again soon.
Happy Birthday, Husband.

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