Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at my parents' house this year. This was our night to get the whole family together since the Ortmans were with the Ortmans on Christmas and Jen also had to work on Christmas.

Nothing cuter than cute kids in fancy closes. The blazer Elliott is wearing belonged to Ted when he was little. Penny's party dress was a birthday present from our family.

Handsome boys. The jacket Ned is wearing belonged to Holly in her riding days.

Three cousins. I love how Elliott is looking at Penny.

Pretty Penny. Look at those cheeks!

My attempt at a nice picture with Elliott. Yes, I am wearing red lipstick, as everyone pointed out that night.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Lucy's pretty party dress. She's my little present with a red bow and all!

We did lots of gift exchanging that night since we were not all together on Christmas.

Jesse and yawning Lucy.

Mike and his new bike maintenance apron.

It all looks so civilized. Fortunately, we did not photo document the madness of Ned and Elliott opening presents.

A taste of the chaos.

Lucy observing the fuss.

Holly's beautiful Buche de Noel or "The Christmas Mouth" if you incorrectly translate it.

A better shot of the Buche.

"I don't know what the fuss is with all these presents. I just wanted pumpkin bread!"

Lucy relaxing with Cale once we got home.

Our tree.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.

Santa came and then needed some rest.

The only thing left to do was wait for morning!


  1. How did you get the tree to sparkle? Magical!

    1. I honestly cannot explain it! My normal sequence of blogging (camera > picasa > blogger) is not working. So, I uploaded the photos to Google+ (what used to be picasa web albums) and then put them on the blog. There is some fancy tool called "Auto Awesome" that made the tree twinkle. It also made the snow fall on one of the polar express pictures! The only problem is I have no idea how to make it do it again!!
