Friday, December 28, 2012

A Walk in the Woods

Wow!  I have a lot of catching up to do on the blog.  We have had a wonderful week of family time, fun with snow, and many photo opportunities.

We went for a walk in the woods last Sunday after our first real snow of the year.  It was a clear, crisp day with beautiful sun streaming through the trees.

Looking at the snow out the window with Daddy

Happy boy

Look, Mama!  No hands!

Elliott got his snow boots and brought them to us

All excited and ready to go!

Our house

And we're off

Pretty path in the woods

My boys

This neat fence is along a random stretch of our property line.  I think it was just something to do with all the fallen trees.  Either way, it looks beautiful with a fresh dusting of snow.

Our pond

We're excited to have this beautiful place to walk around.  We have a lifetime of work to make the woods more walkable - it's quite treacherous in places.
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