Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas Morning

After multiple days of preparation, we woke up on Christmas morning, and Elliott treated it like any other morning.  As we usually do, we played in our bedroom for a bit before venturing out into the living room.  Over the past month, Elliott comes out every morning and wants all the Christmas lights (and music) turned on.  On this morning, the lights were already on.

Our tree

Here is Elliott's approach to the tree . . . he stopped when he saw his kitchen from Coco and Poppy.  He was oblivious to everything else.

Hard at work

Woah!  The burners light up!  Those Swedish elves sure know what they're doing!

Elliott isn't too interested in opening gifts yet.  We helped him open gifts and pick things out of his stocking.  After a little bit, he pointed to his stocking and told us (in his grunts) that he wanted it.  He proceeded to put only the items that came in the stocking back in.  He likes putting things away.  He gets that from the Doren side of the family . . . 

Elliott cute new outfit from Rob and Ginger.  Now he can look just like Uncle Rob Tocker!

Taking a break from opening to read the book he got from his teachers at school

Coco and Poppy impressively made it to our house by 7:15 am to be there for gift opening.  Here are Jesse and Coco helping Elliott open his panda bear from Grandpa Nick.

And right away, a kiss for his panda

I made this stool for Elliott for Christmas so he can stand at the counter safely with us

Organizing the fruit and vegetables for his kitchen

Elliott loves dancing.  Here he is dancing in his new stool.

Elliott loves my parents.  When he took a tumble on Christmas Eve at their house, Jesse picked him up.  He reached for me so I took him.  He promptly reached for Poppy, who he wanted all along.  When Coco and Poppy went to leave our house late on Christmas morning, Elliott followed them out the door and into our fresh snow.  He fell in the snow and stood up with a "what is this cold stuff on my hands" look.

Getting cleaned up by Poppy

And walking back in

I want to go with you!!  (He was a bit tired . . . more on that next.)

After that busy morning, Elliott was a tired boy.  We were feeding him lunch and then something odd started happening.  For the first time, he feel asleep while eating.  And then he kept eating!  I apologize for the shaky video; I could not stop laughing.

Next post: Christmas Dinner

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1 comment:

  1. If red pants are wrong, I don't want to be right!
