Sunday, December 2, 2012

Dress Up at Poppy and Coco's House

Last Sunday, we were looking for a family activity and decided to go to Explore & More, the wonderful children's museum in our town.  As we were on our way there, Jesse pulled up the hours on his phone and saw that it opens at noon on Sundays, not 10 am as we had thought.  So, we decided to head to the next best place, Poppy and Coco's house.  I've been itching to put up Christmas decorations so we went up to the attic on a poaching mission.  I came up empty handed but Elliott walked away with a new stool that is just his size.  From there my mom and I went through the boxes of baby and kids clothes she has kept over the years.  She has a very well organized collection of beautiful things.  My mom made gorgeous smocked dresses for Holly and me when we were young.  She also saved things from her mother, boys clothes that were Ted's, and more casual clothes.

Elliott tried on his first blue blazer and proceeded to run around the house in the blazer, but without pants.  Cuteness!

Doing a little dance on the counter.  It's so exciting!
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