Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Santa goes to day care

I know you're thinking this will be a post with cute pictures of Elliott sitting on Santa's lap at school.  Think again.  Elliott's class had their Christmas party on Tuesday.  I had to get on the road very early for a work trip so Elliott and I stayed with my parents and they took him to school in the morning.  In honor of his Christmas party, they dressed him in his Santa PJs.  Get ready for cuteness!

My dad took these pictures and created captions as he sent them to me.  Dad - thank you for the pictures and material!

Santa, all dressed and ready for school

Checking his list

Hey, you elves, back to work!  It's crunch time here at the North Pole.

Yes, Santa!  We're on it!

Wait . . . you're sending me to school like this?

Elliott was a hit at school!  We even got a note about how cute he was as Santa.

 The picture of Ned in his elf PJs was from last week but fit nicely with this series.  I got the boys these PJs as early Christmas gifts and can't wait to take pictures of them together!!
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