Friday, December 14, 2012

Dinner with the Ortmans

On this day of unimaginable and senseless tragedy, I hope these pictures bring you a respite from the disturbing events in Connecticut.  My thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected - directly and indirectly, as it is impossible to not be shaken and to question humanity after an event like this.

On to the joy.  Elliott and I brought dinner to the Ortmans tonight, this being Holly and Penny's first night home from the hospital.  They are both doing really well.  Penny is a little peanut!  Elliott was intermittently interested in her but didn't understand how to be gentle all the time so we kept them apart.

 All finished with dinner and trying to pick up his plate.  No, thank you!

Elliott's fruit was on the coffee table and he really wanted it!

Elliott routinely rubs his hand through his hair as he eats.  Who needs a napkin when you have hair?  Here are some remnants on the top of his head.

Fancy new shoes.  Cuteness!

For a few months, we noticed that Elliott would wave when he was done eating.  We mentioned it to a friend and learned he was actually saying "all done" in sign language.  Jesse asked at school and learned that Elliott knows four signs: more, all done, please, and thank you.  We see "more" and "all done" most often.  This is "more."  He puts his right pointer finger in to his open left palm.

Mike burping the very small Penny, all swaddled in his lap

Elliott finds Mike to be very entertaining.  I sometimes agree.

Rubbing more food in his hair.  Apparently bananas work as a hair product to make this edgy style.

"All done" is waving or rotating both hands.  Elliott now says "all done" at the same time.

Sweet Penny getting snuggles from Daddy

And she responded be trying to nurse off his cheek

Taking in the sweet smell of new baby

After dinner, Mike taught Elliott how to open all the latches, locks, and levers on this board.

Open the door!

Hold those you love extra close tonight, and every night.
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