Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Penny's 2nd Day

I've been lucky enough to spend lots of time in the hospital with Holly, Mike, and Penny.  She is such a doll. She's sleeping like a champ and eating really well.  I hope she continues to be so cooperative for her parents, especially when they go home and do not have 24/7 nursing care.  Ah, the maternity floor.  It's like a five star hotel with scratchy sheets, thin towels, and subpar food but the most amazing staff who keep you fed, drugged, clean, and will take your baby whenever you want to sleep.  If only life was like that once you went home . . . not that I should complain.  My awesome husband goes above and beyond in caring for us.

And on to the main attraction.

Sleeping like the little angel that she is

Getting some love from Daddy

YMCA?  Baby T-Rex? "What?  Why are you looking at me?"

 Alert and taking in the world

Her tongue gestures are quite entertaining

Looking at Mama

And that, my friends, is Penny's first milk mustache
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for creating this Emily! What a cutie she is! We can't wait to see her!
    Matt and Jen
