Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sorting Laundry

We keep two laundry baskets in our closet: one for whites and one for colors (the only place I am at all organized).  Elliott occasionally moves the laundry from one basket to the other.  Sometimes he tucks laundry away in odd corners of the closet too.  That's handy.  On Wednesday evening, he started moving laundry from one basket to the other . . . and back . . . and forth . . . and back . . . and forth.  And so it went on for about 20 minutes.  Hope you enjoy this as much as we do!

While we're on the topic of laundry, let me share what Elliott did today.  I handed him his fleece in the kitchen and asked him to go put it in the laundry basket.  Sure enough, he walked into the bedroom closet and put it in the right spot.  We are constantly amazed by how much he understands.  He's a smart boy!