Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas Tree Cutting (in the rain)

Tis the season for Christmas cheer.  And Christmas trees.  Long before the 10 day forecast, we made plans with friends to go cut trees on their farm about an hour south of home.  Their parents planted a grove of Christmas trees over 30 years ago so there is quite the selection of big trees!  It turned out to be a dreary, rainy December day.  We put all the kids in backpacks and walked out to the trees.  It proved difficult for me to pick out a tree.  I picked one with two trunks and then one with big brown spots.  Fortunately, Lynn and Leah kept me on track.  Here is our big tree!

Elliott was a good sport in the rain.  He stayed dry and warm with his rain canopy, mittens made by Coco, and hat made by Aunt Holly.

I was a little shocked by the size of our tree.  Here I am trying to stand it up for our picture.  Jesse cut it down before bringing it home.

Almost upright!

Our hosts, Garrett and Leah, with a special tree for Levi's playroom.

Andy and Helen

You can really get an idea of the weather in this picture.

We had a great time but talked about how much better it would be with snow.  Maybe next year!
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  1. This is great! From how I see the pictures, I can say that you guys were all prepared for this! Haha! I mean the members of the family are there with their complete gear and equipment! Nice!

  2. Awesome snapshots of a great area, I wish there were more areas around here that could be found with native trees.

    -Samudaworth Tree Service
