Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fun Saturday Night

After our fun sled ride with Colton and Leigh, Elliott and I finished off the day with a fun Saturday night.  It was a hodge podge of events that made for a great night.

Elliott was in a "special" mood leading up to dinner.  He had that half hour nap during our sled ride and didn't nap for the rest of the day, which made for mischievous behavior.  If he wasn't supposed to do it, he did it.  He unplugged the lighted garland . . . and tried to plug it back in.  He unplugged and shook a floor lamp.  He tried to climb on to our high kitchen chairs.  He moved rugs around.  He played with the space heater in the bathroom.  You name it, he did it.  He also climbed on to the desk chair to play with the computer.  Not on the list of approved toys.

We live in a great little town.  We got all bundled up and went to the Carolcade.  They close down several blocks of Main Street, give out free hot cocoa and cupcakes, and have a big Christmas carol singalong.  We had a great time!  Here is Elliott in his cold weather gear before we left home.

After the Carolcade, Elliott and I went back to my parents' house for what turned into an impromptu gathering.  When the Ortmans arrived at my parents' house earlier in the evening, they were greeted by a 16" tree down across the driveway.  Mike and Ned dropped Holly and Penny and came to the Carolcade.  Jesse flew in from England that evening and was planning to drive home from my parents' house in the Mini we had left there.  With the tree down, I went to pick him up.  I pulled in to the tree down in the driveway to find Mike and Ned in their car, my mom's car parked, my dad on the tractor moving the tree, and Jesse's cab pulling in.  We shuffled gear, moved cars, talked outside, and quickly visited inside.  It was an unplanned quick visit that was full of humor and spontaneous fun.

Here is Ned, a.k.a. "Ralphy," helping Poppy on the tractor

The Mini had a new roof ornament.  My dad did this for Ned but we all got a good laugh out of it.

Holly and Penny were inside.  Here is Penny's 12-day-old cuteness.

Almost Christmas!  Merry, merry to all!!  We have our family of three together again just in time!!
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