Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Meal Pics and Vocabulary Update

My camera sat on the shelf for the last week and has been busy for the past two days capturing Penny's arrival.  Fortunately, I have a couple of cute phone pictures of my handsome man and his other red-headed cousin. 

Here is happy Elliott at breakfast this morning.  Jesse is off at work for 10 days so it's just the two of us.  In honor of Jesse's first night away, Elliott broke his streak of sleeping through the night.  He must miss his Daddy!  Even with a less than ideal night, he was smiling and clapping in the morning.

I spent the day with Holly, Mike, and Penny today and then picked up Ned to bring him to my dad.  When I walked into school to pick up Ned, he was walking with one of his teachers.  He introduced me and asked, "remember in the kayak? When I told you about my teachers?"  I had forgotten since it was Labor Day Weekend but Ned vividly remembered telling me about his new teachers.  He is a clever kid!

My dad met me to pick up Ned, and then the two of them went to pick up Elliott so I could go to the gym.  I received this picture in a text message of Ned practicing being a big brother by feeding Elliott.  I love how Ned's mouth is open too.  I have the same reflex - when feeding Elliott, I open and close my mouth.  It's crazy but I can't help it. 

Poppy was amazing with the two boys.  I honestly think he had the situation under complete control until I showed up and derailed his system!

As Elliott and I drove away, he kept saying "Coco, Coco, Coco" and "Doppy, Doppy."  "Doppy" is as his way of saying "Poppy."  His vocabulary is rapidly expanding.  The standard words/phrases:
What's that?
Over there
On (grunting it as he points at the iPod dock in the kitchen)
All done
Thank you (melts my heart)
Doggy (first word)
Up (pick me up)

Elliott says all sorts of other things . . . I just don't understand what he is saying!
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