Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Dinner

After our busy morning and a long (and much needed) nap, we packed up and headed to the Ortmans' house for Christmas dinner.

I also made a "helper stool" for Ned.  Elliott and Ned jumped right in together.  I'm pretty sure Ned is helping himself to some frozen peas here.  Both boys like eating peas straight from the freezer.  Odd, but very easy at mealtime.

I'm sure Ned is teaching Elliott very important things here

Elliott opening his gift from the Ortmans - a magnetic chalk board with magnetic letters and numbers.  He loves playing with the fridge magnets at their house.

Ned "helped" open the other gift - wooden food for Elliott's new kitchen.

Love that belly

Ted was sitting with his feet on the coffee table and Elliott copied him!

Coco and Penny

Inspecting a fire truck

Mike and Mike having a laugh

For a fun Christmas activity, I brought cutout cookies to decorate.  We did this on Christmas Eve last year so hopefully this will become an annual tradition.  Ned and I worked on them for a while before Holly, the professional, showed us how it was done.  Fortunately, even the less pretty ones are still quite tasty!

My helper.  Ned really enjoyed eating the frosting, sanding sugars, sprinkles . . . anything with sugar.  And then I left.  Auntie Em fail!  But fun was had by all.  I hope you all had a Merry Christmas as well!
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