Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MVP of the Month

As I am sure you are all aware, I come from a very close family.  We constantly help each other out when we can and rely on each other for help when we need it.  And we've needed quite a bit of help recently.  Last week was a bit crazy.  Holly was in the hospital, welcoming beautiful Penny and recovering from her birth.  Jesse is (as I'm sure you can tell by his absence in pictures) off in New Castle, England for a couple of weeks, so I am a single, working mom.  My mom and Ted both had the stomach bug that knocked us Dorens (and Hillary Clinton?) to our bums the week prior.  With all this chaos, an MVP rose from the pack.  He picked up Ned from school, then picked up Elliott from school, took both boys home, and managed to feed them both and keep them calm and content.  He even got Ned to feed Elliott!  And then he did it all again several days in a row.  This MVP, my wonderful Dad, Elliott's Poppy, loves caring for his family.  All this week, he has kept Holly and Penny company and driven them anywhere they needed to go.  He picked up Elliott tonight when I was late returning from a work trip.  After each favor for me, he raves about how wonderful Elliott is and how happy he is to help.  He never acts burdened or taxed, when it can sometimes be taxing!  Simply put, he's amazing.  Dad, thanks for taking care of all of us and loving every minute with these boys - and new little girl!!

I had a long planned night out planned with friends on Saturday night.  Elliott stayed with Poppy and Coco for the evening and then I spent the night with all of them.  Elliott is getting his lower molars now.  What a terrible thing, these teeth!  The poor boy isn't sleeping well and wakes up writhing in pain.  Of course this all started the day Jesse left.  We've been up twice during the night for an hour at a time most nights for the past week.  This made for a very tired Mama by the time Sunday rolled around.  I got up with Elliott on Sunday morning but then went back to bed while he played with Poppy and Coco.  Thanks, parents, for letting me sleep!!  Here are pictures of their morning together.

Playing with Poppy

Completely enthralled with Poppy's lessons

Chowing down on breakfast in his special bathrobe that lives at Poppy and Coco's house

All done!

With one of his favorite stacking toys

There are all sorts of fun old toys there.  He pulls this one around and the wooden balls spin around.

Oh, me?

Elliott has a new skill.  He can now climb up on to the chairs at the kitchen table.  And what does he do up there?  Eats Poppy's toast, of course!

So proud of himself!

Stacking his rings with Poppy
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  1. This post put a smile on my face. Way to go, Walter!

  2. So cute!!! It is pretty awesome having amazing parents and living so close, eh?!
